Fraternity or Sorority Life - STLR
Website Mission
Contact: William Young, Email group officers
Mission We, the Interfraternity Council at The University of Central Oklahoma, set forth this Constitution and Bylaws in order to foster closer working relationships and coordination among its Member Fraternities and The University of Central Oklahoma in accordance with the policies and standards established by the North American Interfraternity Conference (NIC). We, the Interfraternity Council (IFC) exist to advance conditions conducive to the success of its member chapters and to promote the progress of the fraternity experience. With this aim, the IFC actively encourages inter-fraternalism and collaboration with other fraternity/sorority governing councils and student governance bodies. Maintaining a positive working relationship and partnership with the campus administration, alumni, NIC and inter/national headquarters of member chapters is critical toward elevating the role of the IFC.
Membership Benefits
Lifetime membership